Signs of MS and Vision

One of the most obvious signs of MS is an impairment with vision, often referred to as optic neuritis. This is usually caused by an overactive response in the central nervous system due to damage to the central nervous system... Read more

Bark Scorpion Control

The Arizona bark scorpion has become somewhat of a national celebrity due to its unique coloration and venomous bite. The Arizona bark scorpion belongs to the Scorpionidae family, a group of large, harmless insects. This type of scorpion is common... Read more

Alzheimers and Dementia – Why You May Need Medical Help

For most people, the distinction between dementia vs Alzheimer's disease is a meaningless one. The reality is that they both involve degeneration of the brain's ability to process information and communicate.   Alzheimers is an incurable disease. It doesn't discriminate.... Read more

Symptoms of Metrorrhagias

Menorrhagia is a condition where excessive or prolonged uterine bleeding occurs regularly and irregularly than usual. It is then a combination of hemorrhagic dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia dysmenorrhea   The cause of the excess uterine blood is unknown, but most experts... Read more

Understanding Intense Emotional Outbursts

What is impulse definition? It is the study of how people react to situations without taking full conscious decisions. It is the process by which an individual analyzes a situation and decides what is appropriate. It is a way of... Read more

Want to Know Your Height?

  This article is about the common misconceptions that a lot of people have when it comes to measuring height. Most people think that they can measure their height using the tape measure or the tapered end of the length... Read more

Earache Relief

Ear aches and infections are symptoms that are very hard to distinguish. Most people tend to treat their earaches by using over the counter creams that they find in a drug store or grocery store. However, there are some cases... Read more

Chlamydia in Men – Understanding the Signs and Symptoms

Chlamydia in men can be as serious as the infection that women have. Chlamydia in men is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) which is caused by a small, naturally occurring bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. It is also sometimes referred to... Read more