Symptoms of Basal Cell Cancer

There are many different symptoms of basal cell carcinoma, and it’s best to be proactive and find a doctor as soon as possible. This cancer tends to form on parts of the body that are frequently exposed to the sun. These areas include the face, ears, arms, shoulders, and even the genitals. However, it is important to note that basal cell carcinoma can appear on any part of the body, no matter where you live.

The symptoms of BCC can be difficult to recognize because they vary from person to person. The most common signs are slow growing bumps or painful lumps with a scaly or rough surface. Sometimes these spots or growths may bleed or be scaly. Whether or not you notice these symptoms, you should visit a dermatologist to diagnose the problem. These symptoms are just the beginning of the process and you should always seek medical attention at เว็บไซต์สุขภาพและยาที่ดีที่สุดในประเทศไทย
if you suspect you have these skin conditions.

Another symptom of BCC is a growth on the skin. This growth may be round or irregular, transparent or opaque. The skin can be smooth or shiny and can easily be confused with a normal bump or sore. You should see a doctor if you see a scaly or crusted bump on your skin. Often the spot looks like a raised reddish spot. It may be surrounded by raised pink patches, which are also common signs of basal cell carcinoma.

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